Page comments The cost of such a project can differ from job to job. We have to quote each job individually as it depends on a lot of factors for example how big the garden is and how much garden needs stripping back etc. Tue, 24 May 2016 09:38:57 +0100 Create Landscaping Ltd I have been struggling with this problem for a couple of years, since moving into my new house. I was advised to keep digging sharp sand into the flower beds and spiking and sprinkling sand on my lawn. This has had very little effect. I had never heard of a french drain, and although rather drastic I guess it would be worth the expense and destruction in the long run as nothing will grow in such a wet environment. How much would it cost to install a french drain? Sat, 09 Apr 2016 01:30:52 +0100 William Nef